50 Memories of Childhood (Mostly) on Your 50th Birthday
4 min readJun 4, 2021
For my 50th birthday, my brother gifted me this amazing list. It is FULL of inside jokes, but still a fun visit to to our childhood.
- Staying up late in hotel rooms while on vacation to watch David Letterman.
- Wearing Mork and Mindy suspenders together and knowing we looked cool.
- Stealing sticker signs from the airplane with the coveted tampon sticker being the crown jewel.
- Sliding on cardboard in Rose Canyon.
- You sporting a “shark” tooth necklace.
- Playing Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum in the school play and rocking it. (And being grateful that you were willing to be “Dum” as I didn’t want to get teased.)
- You calling me over to the 9th grade lunch table to hang out with your friends when I was in 7th grade.
- Sitting together as a family to watch ‘A-Team’.
- Trick-or-treating together and having the Hansen’s, across the street, have us come in to take a picture.
- Telling me that you’d wear jeans so the punks didn’t beat you up in junior high, and collared shirts so the preppies didn’t beat you up.
- You wearing long, patterned bermuda shorts in 6th grade and having it be kind of a big deal.
- Despite my irrational anger, you allowing me to vent about Mrs. Murray and even suggesting I start a “I hate Mrs. Murray” club (which I truly appreciated … but I did not start this club).
- You being nonchalant about Christmas, but always being the first one up to excitedly get the day started.
- Ice-plant sliding with old boogie boards on rainy days.
- Introducing me to Motley Crüe, Iron Maiden, Dio, etc.
- Introducing me to Tears for Fears, General Public, etc.
- Introducing me to Eazy-E, N.W.A., Ice-T, etc.
- You wearing vests, ties, etc. to junior high and high school.
- Going to the Jam ‘88 rap concert and tucking money into our sock to be safe.
- You convincing all your friends to vote for me for Homecoming Duke my 10th grade year.
- Being on ASB together in high school.
- Valuable lessons on dating and intimacy from Kim Reeth
- Valuable lessons on dating and intimacy from Sarah Rahmatian
- Valuable lessons on dating and intimacy from Joey Shelenbach
- Showing me how to celebrate responsibly in high school .. and helping me score some Schlitz Malt Liquor at Ryan Shankles’ party.
- Being on the wrestling team together and kind of hating Brian Choi for challenging you each week.
- You wearing Fila high tops to a formal dance like a boss.
- Teaching me how to “peg” my pants.
- Using tanning lotions/spray together and perhaps overdoing it a bit.
- Driving to school in the beige Volvo and picking up Deron in the mornings.
- Blasting Carmina Burana in your blue Acura Integra with the crazy loud sound system.
- You somehow, despite all logic and skill level, winning the Styn House Slamfest contest.
- When someone dumped a bunch of sawdust on our lawn with a sign that said “For John to clean up” (or something) and Dad making good on that request.
- Rehearsing our synchronized dance to our lip sync of an Eazy-E song … and crushing it in front of the school.
- Visiting you at Redlands when I was still in high school and having a ton of fun. You were excited to introduce me to your friends instead of me being just some high school kid.
- Your pole vaulting efforts and being an innovator in the popular “fail videos” genre.
- Your fearlessness in traveling to Turkey and beyond. And you coming home with a robust and alarming beard.
- Posing naked together in Joshua Tree
- Admiring the time and attention you put into getting to know Grandpa Caleb and providing him a pulpit to communicate with the world.
- You playing “Welcome to the Jungle” in the car as we arrived at Redlands for my freshman year.
- Your hilarious letters and postcards that you sent while I was in Salzburg.
- Escolar.
- You saying, “Yeah, we’re just going hang out, crack a few beers.” when you knew that wasn’t the case.
- Convincing me that I was adopted and I really should call Mom and Dad, “Adopted Mommy” and “Adopted Daddy”.
- Me hucking a knife at you after our worst fight and, as the knife bounced off the walls, us kind of looking at each other as if to say, “Sooooo, I guess we’re done fighting?” And we were.
- Always getting to have a friend with me on family vacations.
- You getting an earring in 12th grade despite being directly told not to … and you not getting to attend Dr. Dean’s hypnosis show at school.
- You always including me, even when most of my friend’s brothers would never dream of doing that.
- Modelling open communication with our parents … and friends, partners, etc.
- Your endless support and constant friendship year after year. Having such an impressive person also be your biggest champion is a true gift that can’t be overstated.